Why You Need to Eat Organ Meat, Plus Easy and Tasty Ways to Sneak It In | Ashleigh VanHouten

What the heck is offal, and how do you pronounce it?

  • Ashleigh's take on using the paleo diet as a template for a personal, sustainable approach to nutrition without succumbing to the hype of its stricter, more extreme tenets.

  • What Ashleigh tells people (particularly the "women laughing alone with salad" crowd) who mistakenly believe they have to eschew "heavy" meat in order to fulfill their weight loss goals.

  • Ounce for ounce, organ meats are among the most nutrient-dense, protein-rich foods you can eat, and properly prepared (as Ashleigh teaches us to do in It Takes Guts), they can also be among the most delicious.

  • Where to begin your adventures with offal if you've only had negative experiences with it (like being forced to eat liver and onions as a kid), and how to tame its stronger flavors into unique, crave-worthy concoctions you'd be proud to share with your fanciest dinner guests.

  • And so much more!

Listen to this episode of The Genius Life.