5 Easy, Healthy Ways to Eat Chicken All Week Without Getting Sick of It

Cassy Joy Garcia knows what it’s like for food to be a problem and a solution. In her early 20s, certain foods caused her joint pain, brain fog, fatigue, and anxiety. After nixing gluten from her diet and living a more Paleo-based lifestyle, she started to feel more energized and her pain decreased. Eating this way is what makes her personally feel best.

In the years since, Garcia has perfected not only crafting anti-inflammatory meals but also full-on meal prep. Her first book includes both a whole 28-day meal prep guide as well as 175 recipes. Her tried-and-true gluten-free staples: chicken, rice, roasted veggies, and hard boiled eggs. These four basic staples will be your go-tos for the upcoming week.

Read the full article from Well and Good.