Personalize Your Diet Rules: Ancient Wisdom Meets Self-Testing

Ashley Tudor


Perfecting Paleo is for everyone who has tried diets that just don’t work, has counted every calorie but still can’t lose those last ten pounds, and who wants to know how to create a diet and fitness program that works best for them. It doesn’t give you rules to follow—it gives you tools to figure out what foods and exercises work for you and your body.

With the perfect diet, we thrive. We are lean, energetic, and mentally and physically sharp. But there isn’t one perfect diet. Our bodies and goals vary, and so do the diets that best serve us. On the surface it’s simple. Eat real food: meats, vegetables, nuts, seeds, some starch, some fruit, no sugar. But the perfect diet is not 100% compliance with those guidelines. Rather, these simple rules are a starting point for optimal health. It is up to you to uncover the particulars that work for you.

This book is for you if you want to lose 50 pounds (or the last 10), optimize your health, or learn about cutting-edge tools to monitor your body. In these pages you will find an easy framework for understanding the body and practical tools to resolve issues with your weight and health.

You will find answers to questions such as

  • Counting calories failed me; now what?

  • I eat Paleo; why am I still fat?

  • How do I lose these last 5 pounds?

  • How do I eliminate cravings?

  • What foods will most likely make me fat?

  • Which exercise is best for my body?