Are Plant-Based Diets Healthy? A Scientific Guide to Eating Vegan

Plant-based diets are on the rise, as new studies emerge every week about the health benefits of following a vegan or vegetarian diet. Whether you want to try a plant-based diet for sustainability, ethical treatment of animals or the sake of lowering your risk of disease, the science supports the fact that staying away from meat and dairy is one of the best things you can do for your health.

Here’s the bonus: While you’re preparing your plant-based recipes to eat healthier, you're also helping the planet, as a plant-based diet is optimal for lowering your individual impact on climate change. Animal agriculture is one of the biggest manmade contributors to greenhouse gases, both methane (from the animals) and CO2 (from the equipment). So whether you are in it for the ethical treatment of animals, the sustainability of our environment, or for health reasons, here's where start your healthy vegan or plant-based journey.

Read the full article from The Beet.